Tag: we’re living in the future and it is awesome

No Time Like The Present

Do you ever think that it might have been better to have been born in a different time period? I don’t. As much as the world sucks (and believe you me, I think the world really sucks – this is a large part of the reason why I don’t want kids), it’s still better than any time in history.

I don’t know about you, but I like (dare I say love) indoor plumbing. I like being able to travel large distances in relatively short times. I love that I can carry thousands of songs in my pocket. See? Now is awesome.

Furthermore, as I woman, now is so much better than then. I love that I have the right to vote. I love that I was educated (even if my grad school student loans are weighing heavily on me).

I was thinking of this earlier when I was watching the Phillies game on MLB.tv and staying updated on Wendy Davis’ filibuster through Twitter. The technology we have is amazing; that one woman is willing to stand up for the reproductive rights of Texas women is amazing. In short, I’m grateful I’m alive in the 21st century.

Until tomorrow.

Good Things And Bad Things

It’s my mom’s birthday, so my parents called me. On my dad’s cellphone. From the Mediterranean. How cool is that? They’re on a month-long cruise (Mediterranean and Atlantic crossing), which I think is pretty damn cool. Happy birthday, Mom!! 🙂

Then I went on Facebook and discovered that there are people other than Mitt Romney who legitimately believe that withdrawing federal support for PBS and NPR is a good idea. I can’t even…

I need to just stay the hell off Facebook. Or find one of those filtering things that allows me to effectively shut certain people up. That would be awesome.

Okay, I’ve gotta stop being negative. I need all my positive vibes to send to the Orioles (let’s go O’s!).

Until tomorrow.