Tag: poor time management

Good News And Bad News

You can’t have joy without suffering, right? (Or some bullshit thing like that.)

Good News: They just opened a new Wawa that’s reasonably close to my house. (Nine miles counts as reasonably close, right?)

Bad News: It’s south of my house, which makes it completely out of my way. I only ever go south of my house when I need to go to SuperTarget (on those rare occasions when regular Target just doesn’t cut it).

Good News: As expected, the pumpkin spice cream smoothie at Wawa is delicious.

Bad News: Wawa didn’t have any TastyKake pumpkin pies.

Good News: I got three soft pretzels at Wawa.

Bad News: I already ate them all. (Not so much bad as dumb, but still.)

Good News: I had enough Target gift cards that I was able to justify buying Star Trek Into Darkness.

Bad News: I already watched it one and a half times. (The half is from the second time when I fell asleep.) (Again, this isn’t so much bad as dumb, but it is really dumb from a time-management perspective.)

Until tomorrow.

It Never Stops

(Is it weird that I’m not sure if I had that Bad Books song in my head before I decided to name this post that or not?)

Why yes, yes I did spend a third consecutive night not ever sleeping. How could you tell?

At 3:30 this morning I was thinking that if I’m only ever going to feel awake in the middle of the night then I should take advantage of that and do stuff in the middle of the night. But not then. Oh no. Then I was content to stay in bed mostly watching but sometimes only listening to The O.C. But I swear to God if I’m still awake four hours from now I will get up and do something productive.

I’m feeling slightly bullish about my chances of actually sleeping tonight, though. I only took one nap today and it was only two hours long and it was in the morning. And I really needed that nap, too (and not just because sleep is important); I finally watched the last three Doctor Who episodes and they left me emotionally drained. And sleepy. Very, very sleepy.

I’m not entirely sure how I spent my time today when I wasn’t watching Doctor Who or the Phillies game (a win! holy crap!), but I am hopeful that I will be asleep an hour from now.

Until tomorrow.

Darn It

I really ought to write posts when ideas come to me rather than waiting to do it before I go to bed. I’m never as enthused when 11 PM rolls around. Or, if I still like the idea, I feel like I don’t have the energy to do it justice.

The no energy thing is where I am tonight. Maybe tomorrow will be better. (But I doubt it.)

Until tomorrow.


I don’t know how it happened, but I got home just before 6 and the next thing I knew it was almost midnight. And now I have to go to bed so I can wake up and go to a job that I apparently hate so much that I make bad decisions everywhere else in my life. (Dinner at McDonald’s? Check. Spend five hours doing nothing remotely productive? Check. Probably getting breakfast at Starbucks or Dunkin’ Donuts tomorrow? Check.)

I just remembered that I have to read before I can go to bed. Best get to that.

Until tomorrow.

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It figures that the Phillies would play bonus baseball the night before I have to go back to work. And I was the dummy who decided to keep watching the game rather than take a shower or do anything to make it easier for me to get going tomorrow morning. I’m not actually upset, though, since I was rewarded in grand fashion. (I want so badly to link to Mayberry’s walk-off grand slam, but it’s not up yet. Get it together, MLB Advanced Media.)

My neighbors probably think I was murdered what with the way I screamed my head off when that ball left the yard, but they didn’t call the cops because they’re assholes. Wait, no, I’m glad they didn’t call the cops; I really wouldn’t want to have to deal with that crap.

I missed the moment on Twitter, though, because I was multi-tasking (for once) and organizing the papers that have been sitting on my couch for a year or so. (It’s one small step towards being able to sell the house.)

Okay, now that the adrenaline is finally wearing off I should really get to bed. My 5:15 alarm is going to suck.

Until tomorrow.

P.S. The title of this post is [keysmash], if you’re interested 🙂

Wasting Time

My boss seems to have overestimated how much work her department had for me. I had nothing to do this morning. Literally nothing. I was basically being paid to sit at a desk and listen to podcasts.

And I know that sounds awesome, but it isn’t really. For one thing, I felt guilty just listening to podcasts. It’s exacerbated by the fact that I don’t even have a computer on my desk anymore. If I had a computer I could at least open Excel and Outlook and pretend to be working; without a computer everyone who walks by my desk (which is near the door) can tell that I’m not doing anything other than listening to my iPod. What’s even more upsetting, though, is the knowledge that I could’ve been sitting at my own desk in my home office, listening to podcasts on my iMac, and working on my job search. Sure, nobody is paying me to look for a new job, but my job search has more future upside than my dumb one-week-a-month temp gig.

I was eventually given something to do, which was nice. And I didn’t finish it, which is good since my week is over tomorrow. But I’m afraid I’m in for another day of sitting at a desk and listening to podcasts. At least I’ll be able to reward myself with a strawberry poppyseed salad at Panera 🙂

Until tomorrow.


Unlike yesterday, I know that I wasted today. I stayed in bed for way too long (only getting up because I suddenly felt like crap). I didn’t touch my laundry or my email or anything else that needed my attention. Basically, all I did today was play games on my iPad and watch baseball.

It’s nice that I enjoyed myself today but I really should’ve taken advantage of my day off.

I kind of think my lack of productivity is the rain’s fault. It rained off and on all day today and the sound of rain has always made me want to just stay in bed. I can’t tell you how many college classes I skipped because it was raining when I woke up and I decided to just go back to sleep instead. Even now I know that I should have taken a shower when the Phillies game ended. But it was (and still is) raining and I didn’t feel like it. And I know I’m going to hate myself when my alarm goes off tomorrow morning, but I can’t help it. The only good thing about my rain-induced sleepiness is that reading is the only activity I have energy for, so I’m going to take advantage of that right now.

Until tomorrow.