Month: January 2014

Month In Review: January 2014

I’m not in an introspective mood at the moment, so this will be brief.

  • Read every day. Yes indeed.
  • Blog every day. You know it.
  • Exercise every day. Fuck no.
  • Brush my teeth twice every day. Nope.

Told ya it would be brief. (This year is not off to a great start, is it?)

Until tomorrow.

How Do I Know That?

I can’t imagine why I watched Masterpiece Mystery when I was young, but every time I watch Sherlock the animation is so familiar to me. It feels like something from my childhood. But it’s not like I watched Hercule Poirot when I was a little kid. And I don’t think my parents did, either.

It’s a mystery.

Until tomorrow.

T. David Had A Point

My high school English teacher, the aforementioned T. David, had a pocket-sized edition of the Oxford English Dictionary that he claimed to have with him at all times. He said it was very helpful when he came across a new word while reading. He was so fond of his tiny OED that one of the first homework assignments he gave us was to buy a pocket-sized dictionary of our very own which was to be deposited in our respective backpacks. (Mine stayed in my backpack for at least a decade. It’s currently somewhere in my office.)

At the time, the whole thing felt like some dumb thing our weird teacher made us do. Who needs to carry a dictionary around at all times? It turns out that I do. Granted, my dictionary now comes in the shape of an app on my phone, but it’s an app I use all the time. All the time. Like today, when I looked at the word “currency” on the rec I was working on and became convinced that it was spelled incorrectly. A few quick taps on my phone assured me that it was correct and I stopped worrying about it.

It’s so strange to look back and realize that your weird high school English teacher was right about something, but it happens.

Until tomorrow.

The Worst

Is there anything worse than your commute being demonstrably worse than usual For No Discernible Reason? I think not.

Allow me to demonstrate: On a perfect day my commute should take less than 45 minutes, but there’s no such thing as a perfect day during rush hour. I accept that. My commute is normally about an hour, which isn’t really so bad. On Thursday it was two hours due to the two separate accidents that reduced travel down to one lane of traffic. (Which was really, really bad when four lanes had to merge into one.) On Friday it was about 50 minutes because the universe took pity on me (or something). This morning it was almost two hours and I’ll be damned if I can figure out why.

And that’s the thing. When I saw the accidents on Thursday I felt better about the clusterfuck-y traffic because at least there was a reason traffic was fubar. But when I got to the office today I was seething because I was late to work for no reason that I could see.

And I give myself 90 minutes to get to work even though it should never take that long, so if my commute is going to take more than 90 minutes there had better be a fucking reason.

Until tomorrow.

Taking Back What Now?

I’m at my parents’ house and I wore a Taking Back Sunday t-shirt today. Apparently I’d never done that before because my dad was very confused by the shirt. Even when I explained that Taking Back Sunday was the name of a band and not a manifesto he was still confused. And there wasn’t really anything I could say to clear up his confusion because I have no idea where Taking Back Sunday’s name came from. It’s the name of one of my favorite bands; I don’t really need to know anything else.

Now I’m going to get into bed and put Sherlock on my TV (yes, again). I may watch the whole episode. I may fall asleep before Alan Cumming finishes reading the names of the rich people who sponsor Masterpiece. Who knows?

Until tomorrow.

I’m A Nerd

Such a nerd. But it’s great 🙂

  • If anyone wanted to buy me the Whip It and Beat It tea towels on this list, I’d really appreciate it. I also wouldn’t say no to the portion control pasta strainers.
  • The coffee, books, and rain hoodie on this list is also super awesome. (This is my life: finding cool shit on the Internet that I cannot afford to buy.)
  • I discovered BabyLit books several years ago. (Don’t tell anyone, but I’m going to give my baby niece the Pride & Prejudice and Jane Eyre books.) I really love the idea of a BabyLit version of Fight Club.
  • I laughed my ass off at these books renamed in the style of Upworthy headlines.
  • Have you ever wondered how one goes about actually reading a book in the Library of Congress? I have. Well, wonder no more.
  • I want to make fun of the fact that the British have a television awards show that gives out an award for Best TV Detective, but Benedict Cumberbatch won and provided the world with this adorable acceptance video so I’m finding it hard to be snarky. Also enjoy the video from Matt Smith, which is so cute that I’ll forgive him for recording it in portrait mode.

Told ya I’m a giant nerd.

Until tomorrow.

Deja Vu All Over Again

Why yes, yes I did just watch the last half hour of Sherlock again. It was probably the best decision I made all day 🙂 (I would’ve watched the whole episode, but White Collar wasn’t gonna watch itself.) I do love a TV show that I want to re-watch repeatedly until the next new episode.

PBS is totally gonna play the last episode of season 3 opposite the Super Bowl, aren’t they? Bastards. If there’s one thing you really shouldn’t counter-program, it’s the fucking Super Bowl. I mean, I’ll skip the Grammys for Sherlock, but not the Super Bowl.

This started positive but became kind of negative. That’s my cue to wrap it up.

Until tomorrow.

I Love Sweaters

Do you know why I love sweaters? It’s not because they’re warm (though they are, which is wonderful); it’s because they’re often made of wool, which makes them kind of itchy. And since they’re itchy I have to wear something under them. And since I’m me, that something I wear under an itchy sweater is often a t-shirt. And that means I end up wearing completely inappropriate t-shirts to work with impunity. Like today, when I wore an old Brand New t-shirt that says “fight off your demons” under a baby blue sweater; it made me happy every time I caught a glimpse of the t-shirt. And that is why I love sweaters.

Speaking of work, I actually did pretty well yesterday. Yay, me!

Until tomorrow.