Tag: accountability

Month In Review: April 2014

Guess what? I’m not dead. Hooray!

  • Read every day. Yep.
  • Blog every day. Nope.
  • Exercise every day. A world of no.
  • Brush my teeth twice every day. Kind of.

Here’s a quick rundown of how I spent the last two weeks (some of these things will get their own blog posts eventually): saw Kevin Devine and Manchester Orchestra, flew home for approximately 48 hours for niece and Easter, attempted to recover from the lack of sleep occasioned by the aforementioned show and trip, packed up all the shit in my house and moved it to my parents’ house, tried to recover from that, sold my house (signed on the dotted line and everything), and finished my temp job. It’s kind of a lot, right? Especially for me. So, yeah, that’s why I didn’t blog. It’s also why I’m going to go to sleep in about five minutes.

Until tomorrow.

Month In Review: March 2014

I spent the last hour-plus reading and I just realized how tired I am. This will, therefore, be short.

  • Read every day. Yep.
  • Blog every day. Yep.
  • Exercise every day. Nope.
  • Brush my teeth twice every day. Kind of. I managed to do this more days than not, which is (sadly) a big accomplishment for me.

The Phillies game is on my TV right now because I didn’t get to watch much of it live. I’ve now seen most of the good stuff (and there was a lot of good stuff), which means I won’t have to force myself to keep watching. Because sleep is needed.

Also, I watched the How I Met Your Mother finale tonight and I am not well pleased. Not well pleased at all.

Until tomorrow.

Month In Review: February 2014

I’m sleepy, which is good if it’s bedtime (which it is) but bad if I want to blog (which I do). Sleeping is gonna win, but I’d hate myself if I didn’t do a month in review post first.

  • Read every day. I did.
  • Blog every day. I almost did. In fact, I almost unintentionally lied and said I did because I forgot about my weekend in Jersey.
  • Exercise every day. I really did not.
  • Brush my teeth twice every day. I did some days, but not every day.

This month was even worse than the last one. Awesome.

At least there’s baseball.

Until tomorrow.

It Happens Every Year

I make resolutions. My track record with respect to keeping them isn’t that great, but a new year is a fresh start.

I’ve got four resolutions this year, all of which are carried over from last year:

  • Read every day. This will, of course, be the easiest one to keep.
  • Blog every day. This will be the second easiest one to keep.
  • Exercise every day. This one won’t be easy, but it’s important.
  • Brush my teeth twice every day. This should be easy, but I know it won’t be.

This year I’ve decided to forego resolutions that aren’t concrete tasks. After all, I was never any better at the vague resolutions than I was at the concrete ones.

In other news, both seasons of Sherlock are available for free on Amazon Instant Video for Amazon Prime members. (I knew Prime was still good for something.) I’m gonna go watch an episode or two before bed 🙂

Until tomorrow.

Month In Review: December AND Year In Review: 2013

So it turns out that I have no interest in blogging today, but I would really hate myself if I didn’t do month in review and year in review posts and writing said posts in 2014 would be nearly as bad as not writing them at all. Luckily those posts would be pretty much identical, so I’m going to kill two birds with one stone in this post.

  • Read every day. Yes. Woohoo!
  • Blog every day. Nope.
  • Exercise every day. No.
  • Brush my teeth twice a day. Sadly no.
  • Break out of my comfort zone. A little bit.

This year sucked. I don’t really want to think about it. 2014 can’t get here fast enough.

Until tomorrow.

Month In Review: November

I remembered to write my month in review post during the month in question. Hooray! (It’s sad that that’s a thing worth celebrating, but what are you gonna do?)

  • Read every day. I’m thankful that I’m still going strong with this and I know that if it weren’t for this resolution there would have been days (particularly this month) when I would have gone to sleep without reading. So these resolutions are good for something.
  • Blog every day. I could make excuses about extenuating circumstances, but the truth is that I did not do this.
  • Exercise every day. No.
  • Brush my teeth twice every day. Sadly no.
  • Break out of my comfort zone. A little bit.

Maybe next month will be better. It’s not likely, but it’s not inconceivable either.

Until tomorrow.

Month In Review: October

I was cognizant of the fact that yesterday was Halloween, but the fact that it was the last day of the month completely escaped me. I don’t get it either.

I’m really, really tired (like, so tired that I’m probably going to go to sleep without reading any more of Allegiant tonight) so expect one word answers.

  • Read every day. Yes.
  • Blog every day. No.
  • Exercise every day. No.
  • Brush my teeth twice every day. No.
  • Break out of my comfort zone. Kinda.

It looks really bad, doesn’t it?

Until tomorrow.

Month In Review: September

God, this month sucked. Sucked. Let’s get on with it.

  • Read every day. You betcha. And I finally (finally!) finished Team of Rivals, so yay!
  • Blog every day. Yep. I’m back on track with this, which makes the part of my brain that craves gold stars very excited.
  • Exercise every day. Nope. This is where the gold stars end. I was going to get out of bed and exercise this morning, but then I decided that if Congress wasn’t going to do its job then I could give myself the day off. (This is the way my brain works at 7 AM.) Besides, it seems cleaner to just start fresh in a new month.
  • Brush my teeth twice every day. Nope. I’m starting to wonder if my dislike of brushing and flossing is tied to my all-encompassing hatred of oral healthcare practitioners. It sounds stupid, but I really think there’s a connection.
  • Break out of my comfort zone. Yeah, no. I can’t afford to be paralyzed by my fear any longer, though. (I literally cannot afford it.) I have to sell my house (albatross that it is). I have to get a job. I have to do these things. I am so fucked.

Tonight I learned that the Liz Lemon-inspired flavor of Greek frozen yogurt from Ben & Jerry’s isn’t very good. That makes me sad. (Also, what the hell is the point of Greek frozen yogurt? I know Greek yogurt is creamier than regular yogurt, but regular frozen yogurt is pretty damn creamy. The Greek frozen yogurt didn’t seem any creamier to me.) And then the Rangers had to go and lose to the Rays (stupid Rangers). Quite apart from my regular hatred of the Rays, that team is made up of so many horrible people (seriously, google “Josh Lueke rape”) that it breaks my heart to see them have any success.

And I didn’t even manage to get this posted in September. Everything sucks and is awful.

Until tomorrow.

Month In Review: August

Hi, guys! Didja miss me? Let’s get to it.

  • Read every day. Yes. Reading may be the only thing I’m good at. Or at least the only thing I’m good at doing consistently.
  • Blog every day. Nope. Are you ready for story time? Because it’s totally story time. A bunch of stuff contributed to the sudden cessation of my blogging activities. We’ve got my weird sleep problems, which kind of got weirder. Halfway through the month I started getting tired every time I watched the Phillies; it didn’t matter if it was a day game or a night game, if the Phillies were on my TV I got tired. Tired to the point of sleep. I fell asleep during every Phillies game I watched for a while, and when I woke up disoriented on the couch after the game ended the last thing I wanted to do was blog, so I didn’t. I barely read on those nights. Right around the time the Phillies stopped acting as a sleep aid for me I came home to discover that my Internet wasn’t working. And because Bright House is the worst they had no interest in sending someone to my house at a time that was convenient for me, so I was sans Internet for a few days (the horror!). (Also, when I called Bright House I learned that they are far more concerned about my cable TV service – which I don’t pay them for directly because it’s part of my HOA fees – than my Internet service – which I do pay them for. Because that is a thing that makes sense. Fucking morons.) Apparently the physical cable into my house had been cut in not one but two places. (There are unconfirmed reports that a Fios guy was digging near my house on the day in question so I’m totally blaming Fios for this.) And at that point I was out of the habit of blogging. I thought about posting a couple of times, particularly on Fridays, but explaining my absence just felt like too much work. And eventually I resolved to do it today because of accountability and whatever 🙂
  • Exercise every day. Nope. It’s a good thing I haven’t shelled out the cash for a Fitbit or something like it because my daily stats would be sooo depressing.
  • Brush my teeth twice every day. Nope. Do you really think that I’d drag myself to the bathroom to brush my teeth on those nights when I fell asleep on the couch watching baseball? Please.
  • Break out of my comfort zone. Kinda. I actually worked this month (a temp gig) (for two days, which is a whole ‘nother story), which is strange and new for me. I took baby steps in my job search. And I’m in the midst of a process (for lack of a better word) that requires me to (try) to break out of my comfort zone. We’ll see how that goes.

Dunno why I became obsessed with parentheses in the last bullet point, but whatever.

And before I forget, I have some good news to share on the house front. No, I didn’t sell it. But the water damage was finally fixed. So that’s something. Although I did just get the most messed up letter from the builder regarding the water damage. Apparently they have been unable to obtain my signature on some document certifying that the repairs have been completed, so unless I write them within seven days of the date of the letter they will assume it is complete. The thing is, though, that it’s no wonder that they haven’t obtained my signature on said document because they never fucking tried to obtain it. The first I heard about it was when I got the damn letter. I know I’m making a mountain out of a molehill, but I really did not appreciate the tone of the letter. Man, I should’ve listened to the little voice in my head that told me not to buy the damn house.

And that was supposed to be a positive story. Ha.

Until tomorrow.