Month In Review: April 2014

Guess what? I’m not dead. Hooray!

  • Read every day. Yep.
  • Blog every day. Nope.
  • Exercise every day. A world of no.
  • Brush my teeth twice every day. Kind of.

Here’s a quick rundown of how I spent the last two weeks (some of these things will get their own blog posts eventually): saw Kevin Devine and Manchester Orchestra, flew home for approximately 48 hours for niece and Easter, attempted to recover from the lack of sleep occasioned by the aforementioned show and trip, packed up all the shit in my house and moved it to my parents’ house, tried to recover from that, sold my house (signed on the dotted line and everything), and finished my temp job. It’s kind of a lot, right? Especially for me. So, yeah, that’s why I didn’t blog. It’s also why I’m going to go to sleep in about five minutes.

Until tomorrow.

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