Tag: the Internet is the best

Friday Already?

This week has been weird. It just has. Anyways…

I’ve been compiling stuff in my Reading List for weeks but haven’t done a Friday list in a while so I just did some culling because I don’t want my list to be too long. Some of this stuff is a bit old so I apologize if you’ve seen it already.

  • They turned the Lizzie Bennet Diaries into a book! Want.
  • Cookie Monster: always charming.
  • I found this Mental Floss article about how Philly’s neighborhood’s got their names fascinating.
  • A puppy video, because duh. Also, English bulldog puppies are my favorite.
  • This video is basically my life every morning with the kitten playing the role of me and the rude human playing the role of either or both of my parents (depending on the day). Why should I get out of bed? Bed is my friend.
  • Did you see James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, and Hugh Jackman on the Graham Norton Show? You didn’t? Stop what you’re doing and go watch it on On Demand. Or at least watch these clips.

Every single time I actually do one of these anymore it feels like an accomplishment. Go me!

Until tomorrow.

Stop The Slow Lane

No list this week because I want to focus on the very serious threat the FCC (y’know, the government agency that is supposed to protect the Internet) is posing to Net Neutrality. If you’re unfamiliar with the issue, this website has some great information. But basically, the giant cable companies (and you know you love them) want to offer you Internet service the same way they offer cable: in packages. You hate the dumb cable package system, right? Do you want the Internet to become that? I didn’t think so. Sign petitions, write emails, and do whatever you can to keep the Internet open. There’s a petition on the site linked above that takes less than a minute to sign.

This is important, guys.

Until tomorrow.

Listy List

An actual list. On a Friday. I feel like this is a major accomplishment. And I am going to reward myself with sleep.

Until tomorrow.

You’re In Luck

I was going to do my postponed Friday list today, but then I wasn’t going to because of baseball-induced depression, but that was followed by baseball-induced euphoria, so I’m doing my not-Friday list after all 🙂

  • I made a Spotify playlist so that one day I can tell my niece the songs I was all about on the day she was born. Is that weird? I don’t care. http://open.spotify.com/user/kristininprogress/playlist/6pDpsOqIabs0yQTX5LKgHz
  • Speaking of my newborn niece, I need to forward this Deadspin piece to my brother.
  • I’m conflicted about whether I should share this. For very weird reasons. (Obviously.) On the one hand, I find the scene’s continuing fascination with the 13-year-old Brand New/Taking Back Sunday feud endlessly amusing. Plus, I learned something from the feature (assuming, of course, that it is accurate). However, I take issue with the conclusion that Brand New still has a beef since they always say no to touring with Taking Back Sunday. Brand New hardly ever tours. Brand New has shown that they aren’t particularly motivated by money. Perhaps these proposed tours have been inconveniently timed. I realize I’m writing a lot of words about something stupid and ultimately inconsequential, but I can’t get over how ridiculous it is to conclude that Brand New still has beef based on something Taking Back Sunday’s drummer said about Brand New (in a Reddit AMA, for God’s sake).
  • And just so I don’t end this list on a weird note, AP’s 10 commandments of show-going are spot-on.

Until tomorrow.

An Actual List

Shocking, I know.

  • I was looking for audio of Manchester Orchestra’s recent performance on Alt Nation, but couldn’t find any, which is a shame because I always forgot how gorgeous Andy Hull’s voice is. What I was able to find, however, was footage of their Letterman performance from Monday. I hadn’t expected them to play “Cope,” but yay! (Fun fact: I’m seeing them in less than two weeks! Yay again!)
  • This video makes me want to buy Honey Maid graham crackers more than the original ads did. (I love graham crackers, but almost always buy generic. Not anymore, though.)
  • These pictures prove that tortoises in costumes are the cutest things ever. (Make sure you scroll to the bottom of the comments for the best costume.)

Until tomorrow.

Pi Day List

Happy Pi Day, guys! None of these links have anything to do with Pi Day or pi (or even pie, come to think of it), but I had to make some reference to Pi Day. Obviously.

  • I shared this Tumblr several weeks ago, but I’m sharing it again (mostly for myself because things are conspiring to damage my calm this evening).
  • You know what else helps restore my calm? Not one but two adorable dog videos.
  • I laughed myself silly at this Daily Show clip. I really should watch the Daily Show more often.

Okay, I feel better.

Until tomorrow.

The Friday Not-A-List

I’m sleepy, but I’m probably going to watch Catching Fire again instead of going to bed. (This will probably lead to my falling asleep on the couch; I’m okay with this.)

I keep forgetting to share this, which is weird because it made me so happy when I stumbled upon it on IMDB: the trailer for A Long Way Down. I’m going to have to read that book again. (Assuming I can find it.)

Now to make bad decisions with respect to sleep. (It’s the weekend; it’s how I do.)

Until tomorrow.

Not So Rare Anymore

Once again, the month ended on a Friday, forcing me to push the Friday list back a day. I feel like this happens more often than I expected. C’est la vie.

  • I have a fondness for weird mashups. This definitely fits that description. (I still hate that Chumbawumba song, though.)
  • This map of every state’s favorite band is fascinating. I’ve never been so ashamed of my birth state, though. (I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it before, but I hate, loathe, despise, and abominate Rush.)
  • I knew I liked Matt Stairs.
  • This list of negative words that don’t have opposites is really cool. I’m glad I’m not the only person who thinks about things like that.

I fully intended to turn over a new leaf this month, but then I slept past noon and spent the rest of the day on the couch. I did spend most of that couch time watching baseball and season three of Sherlock on Apple TV, though, so I can’t feel too badly about my life choices 🙂 (The PBS app on Apple TV is awesome. I’m disappointed that there’s no Amazon Instant Video app yet, though.)

Until tomorrow.

Good Replacements

I’m actively ignoring the Olympics this year because fuck Russia. It isn’t hard for me to do that since I don’t care about the Olympics under the best of circumstances, but it’s good to have some Internet distractions up my sleeve 🙂

  • I’ve worried for years that I’m a slow reader, but this reading speed test says that I read 42% faster than the national average. Hooray!
  • You know the world is jonesing for baseball when President Obama mentioning Mike Trout in a speech is considered newsworthy by MLB.com. (Also, yay Mike Trout!)
  • I keep trying to imagine what the Sherlock’s Study-scented candle on this list smells like; someone buy it for me. I wouldn’t say no to the Winter at Hogwarts and Little Women candles, either.
  • Cuteness overload: a panda romping in the snow at the Toronto Zoo.
  • Cuteness meltdown: Benedict Cumberbatch on Sesame Street!!!!!!!! (There are not enough exclamation marks in the world.) Bonus cute: the video of Tom Hiddleston and Cookie Monster that’s linked in the comments on Jezebel. (How had I never seen that before??) I die. I’m dead. My ovaries exploded from the cuteness.

Side note: none of the embedded YouTube videos are showing up for me anymore. I think Safari may have died of cuteness as well. I hope you guys can watch those videos because you really should.

Until tomorrow.