Tag: TV

Oh Bother

I should really start writing posts earlier because by the time 11 rolls around I would rather be sleeping. In fact, the only reason I’m awake right now is I have to watch Castle live since I no longer have a DVR and can no longer watch shows on ABC’s app since they (apparently) decided that cable-cutters are the enemy. Screw you, ABC.

Until tomorrow.

Deja Vu All Over Again

Why yes, yes I did just watch the last half hour of Sherlock again. It was probably the best decision I made all day 🙂 (I would’ve watched the whole episode, but White Collar wasn’t gonna watch itself.) I do love a TV show that I want to re-watch repeatedly until the next new episode.

PBS is totally gonna play the last episode of season 3 opposite the Super Bowl, aren’t they? Bastards. If there’s one thing you really shouldn’t counter-program, it’s the fucking Super Bowl. I mean, I’ll skip the Grammys for Sherlock, but not the Super Bowl.

This started positive but became kind of negative. That’s my cue to wrap it up.

Until tomorrow.

Time Is Not On My Side

The problem with the my favorite records of 2013 post that I want to write is that it takes time. Much more time than I had today. Was I going to write it during football or Downton Abbey? I don’t think so.

I had a thought during tonight’s season premiere (and it’s not a spoiler, don’t worry): Downton Abbey is literally the only current show my parents and I watch. Is that weird? I go to the movies with them all the time (although sometimes it’s not because I have any interest in the movie they’ve chosen, but because I like going to the movies and they pay for my ticket because they’re nice), but we do not watch the same TV shows. Except Downton Abbey. I wish I could get them into Sherlock, but I doubt it will happen.

Actually, I did manage to turn them into fans of the Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson, but a late night talk show is different. And I don’t have a DVR anymore, so the only time I watch Craig is when I’m at my parents’ house.

Until tomorrow.

Confession Time

The Day of the Doctor just started (for the third time) and I haven’t watched it yet. (I am, however, recording it, so there’s that.) I know this makes me a bad Whovian, but I am at my parents’ house, which makes it hard to commandeer the TV. I’m hopeful that they’ll spend enough time at church tomorrow that I’ll be able to watch it 🙂

Since I’m making TV confessions, I may as well add that my favorite new show this season is Reign, the CW’s take on Mary, Queen of Scots. It’s kind of ridiculous and historically inaccurate and a million other things, but I don’t care; I’m totally hooked. I wasn’t even sure if I wanted to keep watching it after the second episode, but by the fourth I was all in. I can always count on the CW for a great guilty pleasure. And I just found out that it was picked up for a full season, so yay!

Man, it feels good to get those things off my chest.

Until tomorrow.

We Used To Be Friends

In the awesome-news-six-years-in-the-making category, Rob Thomas (no, the other one) and Kristen Bell are making a Veronica Mars movie! I’m so stoked about their insanely successful Kickstarter campaign. I knew they were gonna reach their goal, too. And not just because by the time I found out about the Kickstarter and pledged my support they had already received more than a million dollars in pledges.

Have I mentioned that I love Veronica Mars? Because I do.

You know what’s funny? I started rearranging my bookshelves last weekend. Thus far, it has entailed moving my CDs, my TV on DVD box sets, and my books from one bookcase to another. And as I was moving my TV box sets, there was Veronica Mars staring at me reproachfully. I thought about how long it had been since I’d watched it and promised myself that I’d get around to watching an episode or two sometime. And then, just a couple of days later, there was a Kickstarter campaign. So now I really need to go back and re-watch the series.

I watched the first eight episodes over the last two days, but I doubt I’ll be able to keep that pace up. Especially since my new job will take up a lot of time. And then I’ll have to watch baseball when I get home. But I have time to get reacquainted with the goings on in Neptune, CA; they’re not even going to film the movie until this summer.

I know there’s been backlash about the Kickstarter and some people have said that those of us who pledged are dupes. But here’s the thing: I don’t care. Rob Thomas and Kristen Bell have been talking about doing a movie since the show was cancelled. I have long wanted to see a Veronica Mars movie. But it was never going to happen. I would imagine that if the powers that be in Hollywood learned one thing from Serenity, it’s that cancelled TV shows do not become successful movies. (Don’t misread, I love Serenity. But it wasn’t what you’d call a hit.) So crowd-sourced funding from the show’s fans was pretty much the only way they were ever going to be able to make a movie. So they put together a Kickstarter and got their funding and now they’re gonna make a Veronica Mars movie. That’s a win as far as I’m concerned.

Until tomorrow.

Can I Tell You A Secret?

You guys, my favorite new show of the season is The CW’s Arrow.

It and Once Upon a Time are the two shows I get impatient to watch. Hell, they’re the only two shows I’ve considered watching again while waiting for the next episode. (And the best part is how easily I could do that if I wanted to since ABC and The CW both have apps. Apps are the best :))

The thing is, though, that I’m not really sure why I like Arrow so much. I mean, other than the obvious (super hot lead actor with incredible abs). I don’t even know why I decided to watch Arrow‘s pilot in the first place; I know nothing about the Green Arrow (I was never much for comics, but I’m more Marvel than DC) and it’s not like I have a great fondness for CW shows from the DC universe (I remember watching the Smallville pilot, being thoroughly unimpressed, and never really watching another episode of the show). But, yeah, Arrow grabbed me instantly.

Actually, I remember one reason I decided to check out Arrow: I heard that John Barrowman had been cast on the show and if it was good enough for Captain Jack Harkness, it was good enough for me. But Barrowman didn’t show up in the pilot. And I didn’t even care. In fact, I forgot all about that piece of casting news and by the time Barrowman showed up I was surprised (in a good way, natch).

So yeah, I’m trying to figure out if Arrow is a guilty pleasure or a legitimate pleasure. I’ll let you know if and when I figure it out. And in the meantime I’ll just keep watching and (hopefully) enjoying the hell out of it.

Until tomorrow.

The Opposite Of Fun

Here’s my official stance on baseball for the rest of the year: Let’s go Orioles! That is all.

In other news, it should surprise no one that Elementary can’t hold a candle to Sherlock. I gave it a shot because I love Jonny Lee Miller, but I really don’t see myself watching it again. I guess it’s not really that surprising since I don’t watch any of CBS’s other eight billion cop shows. Actually, I don’t watch anything on CBS anymore since my lack of a DVR led to a major culling of TV shows I watch.

A show I will be watching again next week is Last Resort. It’s got actors I like and an intriguing premise (the last several minutes were particularly interesting, plot-wise). Plus, Scott Speedman, who I suddenly find very attractive. (Remember when Felicity started and everyone thought he was so damn hot? I didn’t.)

Until tomorrow.

Dinosaurs On A Spaceship

Thank God for Doctor Who, man. Tonight’s Phillies game was rained out, but at least I got to watch the Doctor discover a spaceship filled with dinosaurs 🙂 Think about that phrase, “a spaceship filled with dinosaurs,” for a second. It’s so ridiculous it’s amazing.

This episode was a perfect example of what makes Doctor Who so fantastic: you take a ridiculous/awesome/ridiculously awesome premise (a spaceship filled with dinosaurs), throw the Doctor and his companions in the middle of it, and add a bunch of British actors that you recognize or kind of recognize (in tonight’s episode I immediately recognized Lestrade from Sherlock but needed IMDB’s help to recognize Arthur Weasley and Mr. Filch from the Harry Potter series). Actually, I think next week’s episode tweaked the formula because I’m pretty sure I saw Ben Browder (!) in the trailer, which means they actually used an American actor. (I don’t think I’ve mentioned it before, but I love me some Farscape and my inner-fangirl is squeeing like mad at the thought of John Crichton and the Doctor in the same TV show!)

Until tomorrow.

I Watched TV

There was no Phillies game tonight, so what else was I supposed to do? Homework? Where’s the fun in that?

First, I watched the VMAs. After Twitter reminded me that they were tonight I decided I had to watch them so I could feel really, really old. But could someone explain to me why the hell MTV decided to put the VMAs on a Thursday? I don’t get it. Of course, I don’t get why the hell MTV holds Video Music Awards, either. As we old folks like to ask, does MTV even play music videos anymore? Judging by the commercials I saw, the answer is “no.” But they totally still play the Real World. Because that didn’t wear out its welcome when I was in college.

I noticed several things while watching the VMAs. First, I’d heard of most of the nominees, but probably less than half of the songs. And even with artists that I’m familiar with (as opposed to simply being aware of) I didn’t know a lot of the songs. For instance, Katy Perry was nominated for a song that I had never heard. Maybe I’m finally doing a good job of isolating myself from pop radio. Second, if you put the guys in One Direction and The Wanted in a line up and asked me to pick the guys from one group out, I couldn’t do it. Even if you put a gun to my head. I’m actually pretty proud of that, though 🙂 Speaking of One Direction (I think), my favorite part of their performance was when they showed one dude who clearly had both of his in-ear thingies sitting on his shoulders. I was impressed that he was able to harmonize so well live when he couldn’t hear the performance. It was really something. Third, it bummed the hell out of me that Chris Brown was nominated for anything. And then he won. Boo MTV! Fourth, I’m pretty sure I saw that exclusive first peek at the second half of Breaking Dawn somewhere else. I clearly remember seeing a vamped-out Lee Pace standing in the snow with the Cullens and their allies on the Internet. (The fact that Lee Pace is in the second half of Breaking Dawn as Garrett is pretty much the only reason I have any interest in that movie.) Finally, has Taylor Swift decided to go full-on pop star? I couldn’t hear a trace of a twang in her performance (and, unsurprisingly, it was the first time I heard that song). I don’t really care either way, but I’m curious.

After the VMAs I turned on the DNC. (Because that’s a sentence that makes sense.) If there was one speech in either convention that I would watch, it would be President Obama’s. But I’ve heard good things about Clinton’s as well, so I’ll probably watch that one online. I’ve finally been inspired to donate to Obama and the Democrats, so you could say that the speech worked. (I always intended to in the end, but had successfully ignored approximately 3,000 direct appeals for money.) The fact that I got my student loan check in the mail today probably didn’t hurt, either.

I also watched a little of the Yankees-Orioles game, but on my iPad. The Orioles are officially my favorite story of the 2012 season and I am going to root like crazy for them for the rest of the year.

Wow, it appears that I get verbose when I actually watch TV.

Until tomorrow.