
This is my 250th blog post. That’s kind of a huge accomplishment, but that’s not why I bring it up. I bring it up so I can use the word sestercentennial, the Latin-derived numerical name for a 250th anniversary. (Interesting side note about that Wikipedia table: my personal cheerleader taught me the word bicenquinquagenary for 250th anniversary when we were in college because she is from Reading, PA, but I prefer sestercentennial.)

I first came across sestercentennial earlier this year when I read something about the Phillies’ attempts to secure the 2026 All-Star Game. I love that the team is thinking that far ahead, and I assume the city is as well. I hope that the city is thinking ahead to 2026; I should think it’ll be a big deal. In fact, it’s kinda cool to think that I missed the bicentennial due to a severe case of not being born yet, but (God willing) I will be around for the sestercentennial. (I’m just not going to think about how old I’ll be at the sestercentennial.)

Until tomorrow.

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